For Employers


At Saived Perficient Pvt Ltd, we understand that the backbone of any successful organization is its people. We are on a mission to connect exceptional talent with forward-thinking companies, and we invite you to be part of this transformative journey.

Why Choose Saived Perficient Pvt Ltd?

Strategic Partnership
Joining us means becoming part of a strategic partnership. As a team, we collaborate with both organizations and individuals, aligning aspirations and fostering long-term success.

Industry Expertise
Benefit from our industry expertise. Our seasoned HR professionals bring a wealth of knowledge, ensuring that you work with a consultancy firm that understands the intricacies of talent acquisition and human resources.

Innovation in Recruitment
Experience recruitment with a difference. We leverage cutting-edge technology and innovative strategies to identify, attract, and retain top-tier talent, setting new standards in the industry.

Professional Growth
At Saived Perficient Pvt Ltd, we invest in the growth of our team. From ongoing training programs to mentorship opportunities, we provide an environment where you can continually expand your skills and advance in your career.


We empower HR professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in today’s dynamic business environment. Our comprehensive training programs are designed to elevate your capabilities, drive organizational success, and position you as a strategic leader in the field of Human Resources.

Why Choose Saived Perficient Pvt Ltd]?

Expert-Led Training
Benefit from the expertise of seasoned HR professionals and industry leaders who bring real-world insights to the training room. Our trainers have a proven track record of success and are dedicated to sharing their knowledge with the next generation of HR professionals.

Comprehensive Curriculum
Our training programs cover a wide spectrum of HR topics, from talent acquisition and employee relations to strategic workforce planning and HR technology.

Interactive Learning Experience
Engage in interactive and hands-on learning experiences that go beyond traditional training methods. Our programs incorporate case studies, role-playing, and group activities to ensure a dynamic and impactful learning environment.

Practical Application
We believe in practical, applicable knowledge. Each training session equips you with skills and tools that you can immediately implement in your workplace, adding tangible value to your role as an HR professional.

Placement Training

We specialize in transforming aspiring professionals into industry-ready talents. Our comprehensive placement training programs are designed to equip individuals with the skills, confidence, and knowledge needed to thrive in the competitive job market.

Why Choose Saived Perficient Pvt Ltd?

Holistic Skill Development
Our training programs go beyond conventional approaches. We focus on holistic skill development, covering not only technical expertise but also communication, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills essential for workplace success.

Industry-Relevant Curriculum
Stay ahead of industry trends with a curriculum crafted in collaboration with industry experts. Our training modules are tailored to meet the evolving demands of various sectors, ensuring that participants are well-prepared for their chosen fields.

Experiential Learning
Immerse yourself in a hands-on learning experience. Our training emphasizes practical application through projects, case studies, and simulated workplace scenarios, providing participants with real-world insights and challenges.

Personalized Coaching
Benefit from personalized coaching from seasoned professionals and trainers who bring a wealth of industry experience. Receive one-on-one guidance to address specific challenges and refine your skills.

Placement Training Programs

Technical Skills Bootcamp
Enhance your technical proficiency with intensive training in programming languages, software development, and other industry-specific skills.

Soft Skills Mastery Workshop
Develop crucial soft skills, including communication, teamwork, time management, and critical thinking, to stand out in any professional setting.

Interview Preparation Intensive
Ace your interviews with specialized training on resume building, interview etiquette, and mock interview sessions that simulate real-world scenarios.

Industry Insights Seminars
Stay informed about industry trends, job market dynamics, and employer expectations through interactive seminars and panel discussions featuring industry leaders.

Employee Search

Objectively pursue diverse catalysts for change for interoperable meta-services.

People Cohesion

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Team Leadership

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Team Build Up

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The right people

Quickly cultivate optimal processes and tactical architectures. Completely iterate covalent strategic theme.

A correct fit

Precisely disseminate superior deliverables whereas web-enabled application architectures.

People Staying

Quickly cultivate optimal processes and tactical architectures. Completely iterate covalent strategic theme.

Further progress

Dramatically disseminate standardized metrics after resource leveling processes change.


Need First-Class HR Consultants?